Wednesday, April 7, 2010

FEAR is never quite what we think it to be

If you google what the number one fear is in North America, the internet will tell you that it's Public Speaking.

But every fear can be deeper and when we really look into it, the fear is actually not at all what we pressumed it to be.

People fear public speaking because they fear rejection. They fear being lauhed at and ridiculed. If this was not true then no one would fear public speaking, it'd be easy.

I have lived 25 years and my fear (I have lots) would be mostly Death. But it's not death that truly scares me, it's leaving everyone I love behind. If there was no one left to love I might not fear leaving so much. I just don't like to be alone and I don't like to think about leaving my family and friends...death is actually the easy part. It's like going under the your nervous system just shuts down. It's wat leads to death that's scary.

It's the same with people who fear the dark, they don't actually fear the dark, they fear what's IN the dark..anything that could hurt them really.

People who fear heights don't actually fear the height, they fear the falling.

So if there is something you are scared of, maybe take a deeper look, cause chances are it's not actually That particular thing that you fear.

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